Visceral fat sits inside your abdominal cavity and coats your internal organs.

It’s hard to judge how much visceral fat a person has just by looking. However, a protruding belly and a large waist are 2 obvious signs that you have too much of it.

Visceral fat also produces inflammatory hormones (Interleukin 6, Interleukin 1β, PAI-1 and TNFα). High levels of these hormones lead to a high risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, heart disease, and even certain cancers.

Although essential in small quantities to protect your internal organs, a large storage of fat is therefore horribly harmful.

Difference from subcutaneous fat

The latter should not be confused with the one found in the abdomen. It is indeed stored just below your skin. It’s the thickness that you can pinch easily just about anywhere on your body. It is quite easy to measure it.

Of course, there is a clear link between your subcutaneous fat reserve and that which surrounds your organs. But their impact on health is not at all the same.

12 secrets to get rid of it quickly:

In fact, the rules to apply to get rid of subcutaneous fat and that of the abdominal cavity are the same. The following tips will help you improve your health as well as your physical appearance.

Let’s go !

1. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

Eating fewer carbs is the first step to effectively reducing visceral fat.

First you need to understand that, contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to eat carbs to live. Proteins and lipids (fats) are essential for your survival.

I don’t mean to completely eliminate carbs, because many important nutrients are available in carb-containing foods, such as fruit. But, we consume too much of it in industrialized countries. Look at the proportion of carbohydrates on the labels of industrial products!

In fact, numerous studies have shown that low-carb diets are more effective at reducing body fat than low-fat diets.

In an 8-week study including 69 overweight men and women, scientists found that people who followed a low-carb diet lost 10% more visceral fat and 4.4% total fat than those who followed a low-carb diet. in bold ( Link to the NCBI study in English ).

Another study of 28 overweight and obese adults by the NCBI ( American Center for Biotechnology Information ) showed that those who followed a ketogenic (low-carb) diet lost more fat, especially visceral fat, than those who followed a ketogenic (low-carb) diet. who were on a low-fat diet. What is incredible is that they ate about 300 calories more per day than the others!


2. Eat more protein

Protein is the most important nutrient for losing body fat.

By eating more protein, you increase your feelings of fullness and reduce hunger for longer by increasing levels of the fullness hormones  GLP-1 ,  Peptide YY ,  and  Cholecystokinin . It will also lower your levels of  the hunger hormone ghrelin , as eating carbohydrates stimulates this hormone.

Studies have shown that protein can also speed up your metabolism, which promotes weight loss and visceral fat loss.

A study in 23,876 adults showed that higher protein intake was linked to lower body mass index (BMI), higher HDL (the “good” cholesterol) levels and lower waist circumference reduced.

To increase your protein intake, try adding a source of protein to each meal.

Some excellent sources include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and whey protein or certain plant proteins .

Our opinion

Protein from 3 vegetable sources with different flavors and sweeteners

Vegan organic pea protein for your dishes, coffees and desserts

A combination of 3 vegetable proteins , maca, cinnamon and turmeric

3. Do more aerobic and anaerobic exercise

I’m probably not going to teach you anything by telling you that sport promotes fat loss , whether subcutaneous or abdominal.

Aerobic exercise is commonly referred to as cardio, and it burns a lot of calories if sustained enough. But I want to clarify that I’m not talking about a simple jog at 2 km / h as we see practiced sometimes.

Maybe walking will be the only sport you can do at first, but you’ll go deeper as you lose fat and improve your heart rate.

Progress to doing moderate aerobic exercise and going all the way to anaerobic with HIIT or even HIIT Tabata to drastically reduce your visceral fat and never see it again.

All the articles you need on this subject can be found on this blog.

That said, combining regular exercise with a healthy diet is more effective at shedding visceral fat than following either goal alone.

4. Please cut out the added sugar!

You probably have the impression that I am rambling. It is true that I often repeat this sentence as a leitmotif: “Sugar is a poison”.

But it is unfortunately a truth. Added sugar is very unhealthy, and it is found everywhere, even in deli meats… In addition, a large part of this sugar is fructose from corn which is metabolized by the liver. It promotes insulin spikes and fat gain.

The danger of empty calories

It adds unnecessary calories to your diet without providing any valuable nutrients. Its consumption accelerates weight gain. It is one of the major causes of the obesity epidemic in industrialized countries.

So, eating less added sugar and fructose can be an effective way to lose visceral fat.

For example, in a study of 41 young people between the ages of 9 and 18, scientists replaced fructose in their diet with starch which provided the same amount of calories.

They found that this change alone reduced liver fat by 3.4% and visceral fat by 10.6% in just 10 days.

Reduce sugar intake

You can reduce your intake simply by eating more uncooked foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish.

Also get used to drinking your coffee, tea and all other drinks without sugar. Say goodbye to sugary sodas and even so-called healthy fruit juices (fruit should be eaten, not drunk). Your body will thank you.

5. Eat more soluble fiber

Fiber can be divided into 2 main categories: soluble and insoluble.

Those that are soluble mix with water to form a viscous gel-like substance. This phenomenon helps slow the distribution of digested food from the stomach to the intestines.

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