Shaken baby syndrome: an awareness campaign launched by the government

Shaken baby


The government is launching a shaken baby syndrome awareness campaign. Through a shocking video, he recalls that in France, one in ten babies dies from it and the others will suffer the consequences all their lives.


One in ten babies dies

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What to do in case of difficulties with your baby

It is an “abuse that can be fatal” . The government has launched a national campaign to raise awareness of shaken baby syndrome. Also called non-accidental head trauma (TCNA), it results when a baby or young child is violently shaken by an adult, often by grabbing him under the armpits or the thorax. His head rocks back and forth and his brain bangs against the walls of his skull.

One in ten babies dies

“Every year, several hundred children are victims of it. This abuse, perpetrated voluntarily by adults, sometimes in denial of the gravity of their act, represents the most serious form of cranial traumatism of the child ” , declares the official press release of January 17, 2022 . The consequences are extremely serious: in France, one in ten babies dies , the others will suffer the consequences all their lives.

Shaken baby syndrome: an awareness campaign launched by the government A communication kit with poster and leaflet will also be available to help professionals and health institutions.

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What to do in case of difficulties with your baby

“Jerkings are gestures of extreme violence, which have nothing to do with an awkward gesture of daily life or with play such as throwing a child in the air. Shaking is not playing, playing is not is not to shake. The game is necessary for the good development of the child ” warns Dr. Anne Laurent -Vannier, former head of the child rehabilitation center at the hospitals of Saint-Maurice (Val-de-Marne), interviewed by the Ministry of Health .

Moreover, “we must differentiate the fact of being exasperated by a baby, which is human and can happen to everyone, from the gesture itself which, let us remember, is extremely violent. (…) In fact , the child is not “calmed down”, he is stunned” . She points out that in more than half of the cases, these gestures are repeated.

The specialist would like to remind you that crying is a child’s only means of communication , and that the human who keeps a baby can be exasperated. ” If you feel in difficulty and if the urge to silence the child becomes too pressing, the priority is to move away from him, to lie on his back in his bed and leave the room. The child risks nothing by crying in his bed, he can risk a lot to be in the arms of an exasperated adult”. Dr. Anne Laurent-Vannier therefore recommends asking for help and reminding the people to whom the baby is entrusted of the existen

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