Revature Reviews Under line How the Company Helps Businesses to Get Right Tech Talent for Government Contract

TechTalent for Government Contract


While procuring a federal contract is definitely a big achievement, to complete the contract, one would also need the right talent and subcontractors. Successfully handling the first government contact can lead to more work and better contracts for the business in the future. To make sure that the contract is completed competently, one has to hire GSA-approved subcontractors. When selecting the subcontractor, it is prudent to opt for a model that can provide a repeatable process and predictable output. Revature reviews mention that they maintain a proven method for training and qualifying tech talent that results in less than 5% attrition, making the company an ideal source to seek assistance.

Revature reviews mention the aspects that make them a perfect subcontractor for federal contracts

Talent acquisition is generally one of the biggest challenges faced when trying to meet the requirements of a federal contract. The speed at which people with in-demand tech skills get hired is quite high. Moreover, the demand for tech talent has grown by 190% in the past five years. As tech skills are not interchangeable, one has to be very specific about the qualifications they need. They should prioritize working with a company like Revature, which can develop a custom pipeline of tech talent to fit the specific requirements of the contractors. The diverse pool of software engineers provided by Revature includes college graduates who are authorized to work in the United States. The training programs conducted by the company cover more than 350 in-demand tech skills. Hence, there is a good chance that one may find the perfect candidates for their contract through this company. General Services Administration (GSA), and is among the most prominent subcontractors in the market for tech talent.

Finding a subcontractor that can provide the required quantity of tech talent is immensely important. No matter how qualified each candidate it, unless there is an adequate number of professionals working on the contract, it might not get completed in time. Hence, one must conduct a proper analysis of how many tech positions they need to fill prior to searching for a contractor. The right contractor would be in the position to fill all the relevant positions, without straining their resources.

If one spends too much time simply training their tech talent, the task will consume a lot of resources and time, which should instead be focused on fulfilling other contract requirements. A good subcontractor would be able to provide trained, ready-to-work talent that allows businesses to swiftly ramp up their productivity, while cutting down risks associated with the process. Revature reviews mention that the company has trained more than over 8000 software engineers to work for government organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and top systems integrators. Their capabilities and experience in the industry have made Revature a trusted source of tech talent.

Any business that has a federal contract with a requirement to deliver emerging tech talent should particularly consider leveraging the benefits of Revature’s Hire-Train-Deploy model. This company takes risks, responsibilities and hassles out of the talent acquisition process, allowing businesses to put their full focus on successfully completing their contract.

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